Heather Kirtland

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Weekend Inspiration: Raven Roxanne

 *photo by Kristen Blanton of Hello America
  *Photo by Paige French
  *Photo by Paige French

I am inspired by the super talented Raven Roxannes'"Nest" series.

The composition, the colors, not to mention the treatment of the paint, are such a visual treat.  I've been following her on Instagram for a while, and am always inspired by her images.
Raven was gracious enough to  answer a few questions I had.

1. I just love your "Nest" series.  How did it come about?

The ‘Nest’ series came along organically due to what is going on in my life.  I am engaged and we just bought our first house.  Understandably the idea of ‘nesting’ is very present in my life right now.   "There is nothing more truly artistic than to love people.”  Vincent van Gogh - This quote embodies what my ‘nest' are about.
2. Where do you typically find inspiration?  And what artist are inspiring you right now?
I find inspiration in my surrounding humans, clothing, nature, my dog 'Willie Boy’, Charleston, water, light, yoga and my love.  I am inspired by my friends Teil Duncan, Lulie Wallace, all my fellow redux artist, Becca Barnet and so many more….  It helps to have so many wonderfully creative friends.  I am also loving Hense, Michelle Armas, Andrew Hem, Conrad Roset, etc.   

3. What's the studio tool you can't live without?

 Gesso… Some times you have to say f**k it and paint it white. 

How true is that?! Wouldn't it be fun to have a studio next door to her, so you could stop by and have a glass of wine?  Thank you Raven for sharing your work.  If you would like to see it up close and personal and you're in the Charleston area check out her show at Billy Reid. (On the corner of King and Queen streets) 
If your not in that neck of the woods, she'll have the paintings available on her website as well.

Have a great weekend!