
This series of work is a response to pandemic fatigue and finding myself longing for space. I use a visual language of cloches, propellers, and sails to express the contradicting emotions of feeling both safe and trapped. I felt the need to take up space and hold space for others. I wanted to escape/travel and experience new surroundings and also enjoy this new expanse of time with those that I love. I longed for solitude and with that felt guilt. I didn’t want to feel contained, I wanted to be heard. I express all of this with the objects pushing against the composition, and bold colors outside my comfort zone. I let under-painting show through with the use of washes of color, marks with oil pastel and charcoal that express movement and immediacy. Encaustics were a natural choice using varying surface texture and the innate translucency the wax allows, I could express the complications of what I was feeling through the medium itself.