Happily All Over The place
Woven series "Juju" 36x36" acrylic on canvas
I tend to work on several series at a time. It's the way I think and it fits into my life at the moment in the best way. If I am at home I can work on my acrylic series "Woven" set up in this bright comfy corner of our den. When I can get to my studio and it's warm enough I can work in encaustic. I have two bodies of work going on there "Still" and "Connected". I also use my studio space to work in oils on my series "Transitional" . It can be a little chiller and I can still do that. So no excuses!
Still series "Hush" 8x10 encaustic on panel
Although each of my series are different in style they all seem to partake in the same conversation. Some connections I don't even realize until much later. While writing this I saw how the linear structure of the "Woven" series has begun to appear in my "Still" paintings.
Connected series "Harbor" 16x20" encaustic on panel
In all my work I deal with the same themes I work out the questions of connection, spacial relation and human situations. Each medium and execution can come at these concept in different ways and express my thoughts from different angles. Through this I can speak to a larger audience that approach my work from various angles and can relate to a specific series.
Transition series "Celestial" 36x36" oil on canvas
Do you have a favorite series? I'd love to hear which and why!