The space in between
Work in progressStill: "Between" 11x14" encautic on panel
The process of creating is so multifaceted. There is the obvious work that takes place in the studio, the processing of thoughts in a sketchbook but the actual conjuring up something that doesn't exist - that takes place in the quiet. Finding that stillness in everyday life almost has to be scheduled. When do we have time to empty our head enough to allow that magic to happen? It is similar to a meditation. I have to run through all the noise in my head first, and not give them focus. Sometimes I can do that just by concentrating on a task totally unrelated, playing with my kids, a long drive or a run. I am inspired by my surroundings, by images and even by words. When I give my mind the time to arrange these fragments of inspiration it makes connections to my intent that surprise me. It's similar to life in a way that leaving yourself open brings connections to you. In the letting go these experiences find you. Every time I experience this magical arrangement of thoughts and ideas it surprises and delights me.